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remove software repos ubuntu

How to Remove Software Repositories from Ubuntu

From apt-add-repository to Software & Updates tool, here are several ways to remove software repositories from Ubuntu.
Use cat command in Linux
Linux Commands

Using cat Command in Linux

Cat command can be used for more than just displaying file contents.
Install Flatpak on Ubuntu

Install and Use Flatpak on Ubuntu

Ubuntu may come with Snap by default but you could still enjoy the Flatpak universal packages on it.
cd command in Linux
Linux Commands

Using cd Command in Linux

Learn about using one of the basic but essential Linux commands that is used for switching directories.
head command in linux
Linux Commands

Using head Command in Linux

The head command is one of the several ways to display file contents or part of it. You can also do more with it. Here are some common examples to explore.
Fuzzy File Search in Linux

Fuzzy File Search in Linux

Modern tools like fzf and fzy take the file search in Linux terminal to the next level.
tail command in Linux
Linux Commands

Using tail Command in Linux

The tail command is one of the several ways to display file contents or part of it. You can also live monitor changes made to files with it. Here are some common examples.
Cowsay command in Linux
Terminal Fun

Moo! There is a Cow in My Linux Terminal

The cowsay is a fun little Linux command line utility that can be enjoyed in so many ways. Here are several examples.

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