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nixos home manager
NixOS Basics

Set up home-manager on NixOS

Here's how you can easily set up the home-manager to install/remove packages on NixOS.
nixos package illustration
NixOS Basics

Install and Remove Packages in NixOS

It can be a bit different when installing and removing packages in NixOS. Here, we explain it to make things easy.
DOSbox on Ubuntu

Install DOSBox in Ubuntu to Play Retro Games

The DOSbox emulator lets you use the disk operating systems of the 80s. You can also use it to play retro games on Linux.
Is Linux a kernel or operating system?

Linux is Just a Kernel: What Does it Mean?

This is a common question troubling Linux users. It's also a common question asked in exams and interviews. Here's all you need to know about it.
tux avatar holding nixos logo
NixOS Basics

Why Should You Use NixOS?

NixOS is an exciting distribution. Let's take a look why you might want to give it a try.
tux avatar holding an android mobile phone
Open Source

40+ Best Open Source Android Apps

The best open source Android apps. Replace the proprietary options to enjoy a potentially better experience!
Downgrade apt packages in Ubuntu
Tips πŸ’‘

Downgrading a Package via apt-get

Yes! That's totally possible. You can downgrade a recently updated package using the apt command in Ubuntu and Debian based distros. Here's how to do that.
Enable root login in Ubuntu GUI

Login as Root in Ubuntu GUI

If you really want it, you can log in as root into the Ubuntu desktop using GNOME. Here's how to do that.
quotes in markdown
Using Markdown

Adding Quotes in Markdown

It's dead simple to add quotes in Markdown with the ? symbol. Here are some examples of adding quotes in Markdown syntax.

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