Easily Take Full Webpage Screenshots in Firefox and Chrome

Firefox has a built-in screenshot utility and you can use it to take screenshots of the entire webpage. Chrome can also do the same.
Warp Terminal

Taking screenshots to capture information is pretty common.

But did you know you can take screenshots of an entire webpage in Firefox?

Firefox comes with an in-built screen capture tool that allows you to take screenshots of selected areas, visible screen areas, or even entire web pages.

This means if you want to save a webpage for later reference, you can quickly capture the entire webpage.

Chrome also has the screenshot feature but it is slightly more complicated.

In this tutorial, I will walk you through the following:

  • How to take screenshots in Firefox
  • How to capture screenshots in Chrome
  • Using the Nimbus extension to get more features than the in-built one

So let's start with the first one.

Taking full-page screenshots in Firefox

Firefox's in-built tool lets you select the whole screen, the complete page, or even a specific paragraph with a single click.

Step 1: Access the screenshot tool

To start the screenshot utility, you press Ctrl + Shift + s while using Firefox.

If you don't always remember shortcuts, you can access the tool from the right-click menu as well.

Accessing screenshot tool in Firefox from the right-click context menu
Screenshot tool can also be accessed from right-click context menu

If you regularly take screenshots, adding the utility to the toolbar would be a good idea. And to do so, you follow the simple three steps:

  1. First, Right-click on the toolbar and select the option Customize Toolbar
  2. Find the Screenshot utility and drag it to the toolbar
  3. Hit the Done button and that's it

Still confused? Here's how you do it:

Enable screenshot feature in Firefox

Once enabled, you can click on the screenshot logo that you just dragged to the toolbar.

Step 2: Take a screenshot in Firefox

When you start the screenshot tool, it will prompt with two options: Save full page and Save visible. Here,

  • Save full page will capture the entire webpage
  • Save Visible will only capture what is visible in the current frame

But if you want to capture a specific part, you can select that part using the mouse cursor and save it:

As you can see, there are two options: Save or copy (to clipboard so that you can paste it to a document or editing tool). You can use either as per your use case.

Take full-page screenshots in Chrome

Taking full-page screenshots in Chrome is a little trickier than in Firefox because it is hidden under the developer options.

Worry not! You'll get there in the following steps:

  • Open the menu and go to More Tools-> Developer tools. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Shift + l to directory get into Developer tools.
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + p and type screenshot.
  • Select the area or the entire page and a screenshot will be downloaded.

Let me show you how you do it:

That's pretty much all you get with Chrome.

How to take screenshots using an extension

Non-FOSS Warning! The Nimbus extension discussed here is not open source.

If you want more features like adding a delay, watermark, or notations, then you have to use an extension.

And for that purpose, I would recommend using Nimbus which lets you do almost everything that any locally installed screenshot tool lets you do.

Download Nimbus for Firefox:

Download Nimbus for Chrome:

Only the Chrome extension of Nimbus has a feature for video recording.

Once you're done with the installation, make sure to sign-up for Nimbus to enable all the features.

Click on the Nimbus extension logo and you'd see multiple options:

Use nimbus extension to take full screen screenshots in chrome and firefox

You can choose any of the shown features and once done, based on the action after the capture (mine is an edit) it will download the screenshot directly, open the editor or send it to any of the selected cloud providers.

If you too went with the Edit as an action after capture, then it will open an editor where you can make nominal edits to the screenshot you've captured:

Edit screenshots captured in Firefox and Chrome

And if you want to add a watermark, know/change shortcuts, change the format of screenshots, and more, then open the Nimbus and hit the little gear button:

Pretty cool features being just an extension. Isn't it?

You may want to pin the Nimbus extension to the taskbar if you take screenshots frequently

Want more features? Checkout screenshot tools

If you don't want to be bound by the extension features, you have to try screenshot tools with more features that can be used anywhere across the system.

If you're a Linux user, then we have a dedicated guide on the best tools for taking and editing screenshots for Linux:

Best Tools For Taking and Editing Screenshots in Linux
Here are several ways you can take screenshots and edit the screenshots by adding text, arrows etc. Instructions and mentioned screenshot tools are valid for Ubuntu and other major Linux distributions.

I hope you liked this quick Firefox trick. Keep visiting It's FOSS for more such learnings.

About the author
Sagar Sharma

Sagar Sharma

A software engineer who loves to write about his experience with Linux. While reviving my crashed system, you can find me reading literature, manga, or watering my plants.

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