Cropping a Video in VLC

This may sound unusual but VLC can crop videos, too. It's one of the many hidden capabilities of VLC which makes you wonder if it is just a video player.
Warp Terminal

VLC media player is a popular program that can play almost any kind of video or audio file.

Many people say, β€œIf there's a video format, VLC can play it!”

But VLC isn't just for playing videos. It can do a lot more.

In this article, we'll show you how to use VLC to crop a video. It's simple and useful!

There are dedicated and easy to use video editors available on Linux that will do the job. This article describes how VLC player can also do the same.

Step 1: Set the crop dimensions

Before cropping a video, we should note the values in pixels that we want to crop from a video. For this, first open the video file in VLC media player.

When the required file is opened, click on Tools β†’ Effects and Filters.

Select Effects and Filters option under Tools in VLC main menu.
Effects and Filters in Tools

In the Effects and Filters dialog box, go to the Video Effects and select the Crop tab.

Set the crop values in VLC player, so that only the required part is shown in the video playback.
Set Crop values in Effects and Filters

Here, adjust the Top, Right, Bottom, and Left values in pixels so that you get the required portion on the video playback.

Changes will be visible to the video playing/paused in the background, as shown in the screenshot above.

Once you are satisfied with the area to crop, note these values and close the window.

Step 2: Set values for the video crop filter

You can play the current video with the cropping applied by doing the precious step. Next, we will see how to save the cropped video so that you can use the result in any media players.

Go to Tools β†’ Preferences.

Go to Preferences from Tools option.
Tools β†’ Preferences

Here, select All radio button in the bottom left. This will give the detailed settings.

All settings in VLC preferences.
All settings in VLC preferences.

Go to the Video β†’ Filters β†’ Cropadd.

Enter the crop values you have noted earlier and click save.
Enter crop values

In this field, enter the crop values you have noted in the first step correctly. Then click Save. This is shown in the above screenshot.

Step 3: Create a crop filter

You have set the crop values. Now it's time to create a new filter for the crop function.

Creating a new profile is better than editing an already available profile. This avoids future confusions and gives you more flexibility.

Open VLC and click on Media β†’ Convert.

Select Convert from VLC main menu Media entry.
Convert/Save from Media option

On the Files section, add the required video file that need to be cropped and click on Convert/Save.

Choose the video that need to be cropped and select Convert
Add the source file

On the next page, click on the Create New Profile button.

Click on Create a new profile button.
Create a new profile button

Here, give a name to the profile and go to the Video Codec section. Inside this section, enable the Video checkbox and go to the Filters tab, as shown in the screenshot below.

Creating a Video Cropping Filter in VLC Media Player.
Create a Video Crop Filter
There are many other options like Encapsulation, Audio Codec, etc. You can take a look at them for more conversion customizations.

Now, from the list of filters, select the Video cropping filter and click on Create button.

Step 4: Crop the video

You have created a new filter called Crop my video. Now, you can add this filter to crop a video with the cropping values set on step 2. That is, the final cropping dimensions will be based on the values set on the Preferences β†’ All β†’ Video β†’ Filters β†’ Croppadd section.

In the profiles field, select the newly created filter called Crop My Video and add a destination file name for the converted video file.

[Select the crop filter we have created and also add a destination file name. Once done, click on the start button to start the conversion process.
Start Conversion Process

Hit the Start button to start converting the video. You can see the conversion progress in the VLC seek bar. Wait for the process to complete.

That's it! You have converted the video.

For each video cropping, make sure the crop values added (Step 2) matches your required crop dimensions. That is, you need to update the values each time.

Wrapping Up

I just showed you how you can crop a video with VLC player. This does not mean you should use VLC player for your video cropping purposes. There are many other tools out there to perform the same task more efficiently.

It just the versatility of VLC and how it is much more than just a video player.

For example, you can record your screen with VLC.

How to Record Your Screen with VLC
The ever versatile VLC can do a lot of things. Screen recording is one of them.

Or, trim a video in VLC.

How to Trim a Video in VLC Player [If You Really Want to]
VLC is a versatile media player. It even allows trimming videos with some effort. Here’s how to do it.

The list of 'unusual' things VLC can do is endless πŸ˜„

About the author


Linux tinkerer by day, Lord of the Rings fanatic by night. When I'm not busy conquering the command line, you can find me kicking back and watching some football while quoting JRR Tolkien

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